Uncompilable Languages

Quis declinabit ipsos declinatores?

Machine languages are not human languages. That is not particularly interesting to observe on its own; there may be some formal distinction to be discovered that is interesting to a small group of researchers, but only the most navel-gazing of engineers might trick themselves into thinking that their code is "poetry" in any sense other than the metaphorical. But if one were merely barking orders to a person in a similar way that a programmer might demand satisfaction from a computer, what specifically would the differences be?
What is poetry? The earliest Western philosophers refer to it as the "verse" form, whether in language or in sound (i.e. music). We could say that this is strictly accurate, as even the unrhymed, unmetered modern poetry is still in verse. But there are a few properties of poetry that are not strictly related to the meter or rhythm of the words. We might call prose "poetic" if its language is artful: metaphorical, emotional, allusional, and we have a telling term for this category: "prose poetry". If poetry is then prose under the influence of art, can we find something similar for programming languages? The man-on-the-street's knee-jerk objection2 might be that the question is irrelevant, since "prose" works written in programming languages are executed by a machine, not read, to which the programmer's first instinct is to tap the old sign:
Programs are meant to be read by humans and only incidentally for computers to execute.
- Abelson & Sussman, Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
But their second instinct is that the program is indeed read by a machine. The former response is one that we'll treat here at length, but the second is interesting enough to briefly consider. In a minimalist way, humans & machines both read text and act on the result. Each word2 in a sentence/subroutine is accepted and makes a small change in one's internal state. The word itself doesn't necessarily do anything - maybe "the", or a MOV - but could have devastating impact despite its seeming simplicity - perhaps a "no", or a MOV to the wrong address. The impact of the whole utterance is decided separately after the words are complete, though the result could be well telegraphed by the end or end up in a surprise twist.
1Assuming that their actual initial objection isn't actually "who the hell are you", "get out of my face asshole", etc., though in the age of the earpod it's more often an awkward smile performed with a vague gesture toward the ears.